Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Signs :)

Cade has been in therapy for 17 days now at the center and he's really started to pick up signing. The therapists are great at making him request everything and if he doesn't know the sign they hand over hand prompt him and then try and get him to do it again and again. When he first started ABA therapy he had the following 10 signs: 

Please, more, eat, all done, baby, love, go, stop, dog, and horse
In just the little time that he has been there he now knows 23 signs! 

The new ones that he has learned are: 
Swing, crackers, drink, train, tree, ornament, car, game, up, sorry, wagon, and push! 

I am sure there are more that he is capable of just have to keep working on getting him to do them. We are renewing his IFSP plan tomorrow through early intervention and it sounds like getting sign language added to his goals is not going to be an issue! YAY! :) 

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